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What Stages of T-Box Been Through To Support The Development of Intelligent Vehicles?
Release Time:2024/1/31 Number Of Clicks:463

Recently, market research institute IoT Analytics released the latest market report of the Internet of Things gateway, the report specifically for on-board information processing (Telematic) gateway, and Telematics gateway is known as T-Box, as the application of the Internet of Things in the automotive field, the development of T-Box has been the focus of the industry. According to the report, the Telematics gateway market has reached $810 million in 2022 and will accelerate in the next few years and is expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 19% from 2022 to 2027. c

Development Stage Characteristics of T-Box:

In IoT Analytics's view, T-Box has gone through three stages of development, namely traditional T-Box, smart T-Box and smart T-Box, and devices in different stages of development have different computing processing capabilities. At the same time, these three stages span five stages of mobile communication from 2G to 5G, promoting the development of gateway mobile applications and data sharing capabilities.

First generation: Legacy telematics gateways:

IoT Analytics call the first generation T-Box the traditional T-Box is simple compared to the functions of today's T-Box. These gateways rely on 2G networks, and were later upgraded to 3G or even 4G connections. Due to connectivity limitations, they are designed for low data requirements applications, and devices mainly mainly of a cellular modem to send basic location and environmental data and provide assistance for emergency and theft recovery.

Currently, the share of revenue from these traditional gateways dominates the overall T-Box market, but IoT Analytics predicts that share will shrink to 49% of all the T-Box in use by 2027. For the foreseeable future, traditional T-Box will remain an option for many customers, especially a cost-efficient option for companies that seek basic telematics data without edge computing or heavy data sharing load.

Second generation: Smart telematics gateways

With integrated circuit technology advancing and the rising demand for greater processing and storage capabilities, some vendors are developing and deploying intelligent telematics gateways capable of conducting real-time data analysis closer to the edge. These T-Box can be equipped in vehicles for intelligent processing. At the same time, the development from 3G to 4G and 5G communication can enable the sharing of large amounts of data in a larger range in real time and faster decisions. 

Moreover, the development of the commercialization of satellites makes more remote connections possible. Therefore, the emergence of the second generation of smart T-Box enables the current development of smart vehicles. IoT Analytics predicts that this share of revenue will reach 25% of the T-Box market by 2027, and that vehicle managers that require edge computing options without significant data sharing needs will find the utility of these smart T-Box.

For example, the smart T-Box is already used on some law enforcement vehicles, mainly stems from the need for law enforcement officers to quickly access their real-time data and applications at work. Law enforcement vehicles often have complex needs, including reliable and secure communication, connectivity to move vehicles under extreme conditions, high bandwidth inside and outside vehicles, and the ability to track vehicles in remote incident areas. Smart T-Box not only needs to connect to various law enforcement devices and send the data to the background, but also transmits the data needed by law enforcement personnel in real time. Some smart T-Box provides the 5G gateway and Wi-Fi access point, can connect to a variety of devices, including laptops, cameras, license plate reader, electronic communications system, tablets, cameras and smartphones, law enforcement officers can also live video from patrol car to the police, and track remote accident area.

Third generation: Smart T-Box

In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence technology has driven T-Box to a smarter direction. These gateway devices are embedded with powerful processors, such as multi-core CPU, which can perform data processing and analysis at remote edge nodes to achieve real-time decision making. These gateways have plenty of memory space to cache data, run AI models, and even store historical data. Some models are equipped with dedicated AI hardware accelerators such as GPU or neural processing units for efficient execution.

With the integration of AI in T-Box, managers and operators can achieve real-time decision-making, predictive maintenance, and improve driver and public safety. AI algorithms can also optimize routes to improve fuel efficiency and avoid traffic jams, thus reducing costs and better managing time.

IoT Analytics Forecasts that these smart T-Box systems could take a 26% revenue share of the overall market by 2027, or about $509 million. Although this is lower than the expected revenue share of previous generations, it brings more efficiency as a new product, and artificial intelligence is currently a global hot topic, it is expected to achieve rapid growth after 2030.

TAICENN Industrial TBOX:

TAICENN, a leading global provider and manufacturer of industrial panel PC, industrial display and industrial & embedded PC products, designing specifically for systems and applications that require excellent performance, high-level reliability and stability, long supply period and supports.

Thanks to the adoption of artificial intelligence, the growth of connected vehicles, and the need to enhance the safety of devices, the smart T-Box has a promising market in the future. The integration of 5G and eventually 6G connectivity will drive the development of new applications, and may also spur increased demand in emerging markets.

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